<p>We are a small community of gamers who enjoy playing old titles, primarily "Counter-Strike 1.6". Most of us come from Northern Europe, primarily the Baltics & Scandiavia.
<h2>[What we do?]</h2>
<p>We're currently only hosting "Counter-Strike 1.6" servers that you can check out in the top bar of this site. We might also expand our serverlist to include more games such as <b>"Half-Life Deathmatch"</b>&<b>"Quake III Arena"</b> so stay tuned for that!</p>
<h2>[What are our goals?]</h2>
<p>Our goals are to provide a vanilla like experience on our servers, keeping it clean & simple. We're also trying to be the most welcoming community out there.
<pid="smoltext">powered by nostalgia 2023-2025 - page written by waterjones
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