import os, uuid, time, json, sqlite3, threading from flask import Flask, request, redirect, send_from_directory, abort, render_template_string app = Flask(__name__) with open('config.json') as f: config = json.load(f) UPLOAD_FOLDER = config['upload_folder'] MAX_FILE_SIZE = config['max_file_size'] EXPIRATION_TIME = config['expiration_time'] DATA_FILE = config['data_file'] URL_PREFIX = config['base_url'] NAME = config['name'] os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER, exist_ok=True) def init_db(): with sqlite3.connect(DATA_FILE) as conn: conn.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files (key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, type TEXT NOT NULL, path TEXT, url TEXT, expiry REAL)') init_db() def load_data(): with sqlite3.connect(DATA_FILE) as conn: return {row[0]: {'type': row[1], 'path': row[2], 'url': row[3], 'expiry': row[4]} for row in conn.execute('SELECT * FROM files')} def save_data(): with sqlite3.connect(DATA_FILE) as conn: conn.execute('DELETE FROM files') conn.executemany('INSERT INTO files VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [(k, v['type'], v.get('path'), v.get('url'), v['expiry']) for k, v in data.items()]) data = load_data() def cleanup_files(): while True: time.sleep(3600) now = time.time() expired_keys = [k for k, v in data.items() if v['expiry'] < now] for k in expired_keys: if data[k]['type'] == 'file': os.remove(data[k]['path']) data.pop(k) save_data() threading.Thread(target=cleanup_files, daemon=True).start() @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def landing_page(): with open('landing.html') as f: html = name=NAME, base_url=URL_PREFIX.rstrip('/'), expiration_days=EXPIRATION_TIME // 86400, max_file_size=MAX_FILE_SIZE // 1048576 ) return render_template_string(html) @app.route('/', methods=['POST']) def upload_file(): file = request.files.get('file') if not file or file.content_length > MAX_FILE_SIZE: return "No file uploaded or file too large\n", 400 key = uuid.uuid4().hex[:6] filepath = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, f"{key}_{file.filename}") data[key] = {'type': 'file', 'path': filepath, 'expiry': time.time() + EXPIRATION_TIME} save_data() return f"{URL_PREFIX}{key}\n" @app.route('/shorten', methods=['POST']) def shorten_url(): url = request.form.get('url') if not url: return "No URL provided\n", 400 key = uuid.uuid4().hex[:6] data[key] = {'type': 'url', 'url': url, 'expiry': time.time() + EXPIRATION_TIME} save_data() return f"{URL_PREFIX}{key}\n" @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def get_content(key): item = data.get(key) if not item: abort(404) if item['type'] == 'file': return send_from_directory(UPLOAD_FOLDER, os.path.basename(item['path'])) if item['type'] == 'url': return redirect(item['url']) abort(404) if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=5000)